Saturday, October 28, 2023

Full Moon in LIBRA and Partial Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023



Taurus and Scorpio, people with Leo and Aquarius rising signs will also deeply feel the effects of this lunar eclipse.  

 This entire MONTH of October is one of the MOST INTENSE re Energy and one of the most TRANSFORMATIVE and Highly CLEARING in that we MUST LET GO and we leave OLD PATTERNS, Karma, and PHASES.   It is October and these alignments that will move us into the Next stage of this planetary change and NEW CHAPTER OF LIFE.   We step into the HIGHER ENERGIES we are called to and LIGHTEN UP while Anchoring the body temple in 3 D reality.   It is this shift into the dimensions much higher and 5 D...6 D with the LYRAN LION grid protectors and the 7 D Atlantis realms and yes 11 D Angelic Higher vibrations and for IDEALS, IDEAS, and Friends of the same frequencies as BEINGS OF LIGHT in an Earth body.   Many us you/us are angels...helping this change going on... 

Meantime, many of you/us are in various stages of HEALING, Cleansing and RISING Kundalini.  
We incarnated into this planet for this time and this shift and to aid with our own LIGHT.  

It's not easy as all the stepping of of energy waves purges the past and brings in the higher light frequencies to spotlight the SHADOW stuff.   BE KIND to yourselves and LET GO and be in GRATITUDE. 

Many BLESSINGS Roshandra  * Arch Angel GABRIEL...