Services and Sessions

Services with Roshandra, REIKI Master, Interior Designer, Feng Shui Master
Transpersonal counseling and Coaching.   Feng Shui Services
Classes for Bi-Monthly moontime Puja
Retreats and Gatherings at Sacred Locations and Workshops  
 Shasta, Sedona, Paris, Avebury


        all Bookings must be Pre Paid before session is confirmed: Thank you
Pay Pal Payment is ACCEPTED 
and you may use your Credit Card also even if you do not have a Pay Pal account...thank you

Reiki Master
 Angelic Energies
Blessings Roshandra
Arch Angel Raphael

Arch Angel Chamuel


Arch Angel GABRIEL

The Art of Centering
 for FENG SHUI, DESIGN, Energy Spaces, Clearing and Executive Offices for Success

What is NEW for workshops, classes and retreats for the FEMININE?

New Classes for WOMEN on line:

Our Year of 2015 ending and our Seeding the NEW Energy for 2016


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  2. Hi Dawn...yes and your session is on GMAIL and you may retrieve the entire hour conversation and work we did by going to the CHAT MENU on the left side and then you will see CHAT conversation and you can then PRINT it. Delighted we worked together today and a lot LET today and i normally touch in three days later to see how things are INTEGRATING.... Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael ...Much Love and Namaste...

  3. August 20 at 12:24pm · Edited · Like · 3 ·

    Chris Osborn I would love to share the amazing healing session I had with you a few weeks ago. Although I've been to 3 psychics for healing and past life regression in the last 5 years, this was the first time I've ever had a long distance healing session! The only thing that has even come close to the healing I felt with Roshandra Simone was with a Shaman in the sacred valley in Peru 2012!

    Word of warning – Roshandra writes incredibly quickly with a lot of detailed information with the minimum words to explain exactly what she’s feeling - – so I found it good to come back to it and re-read her words again in my own time and understand more of what she was trying to tell me. The fact that I could go back over my healing session was amazing – because each time I reread it, I got something more out of it – much better I found for me than trying to remember what the healer said in a face to face healing!

    I also understand the words aren't the most important part of a healing – but if a healer can help energise your chakras - this by far is the best medicine for physical, mind and spiritual healing to happen I believe!
    Well with Roshandra – I got both! About 15 mins into the session I could feel my solar plexus and belly button area buzzing (like I got with the shaman healing) and then she wrote I am just sending you some energy to you lower chakras- I had a massive smile on my face like a Cheshire cat as I knew that I was going to be on cloud 9 for a few hours after the session! And I was!

    Roshandra speaks from her heart and is honest (blunt) and I loved it. She tells you what she feels which isn't necessarily what you want to hear – depends how far you are along with your internal work I suppose!
    Thank you Roshandra! You have really helped me connect much more to my spiritual side through your focus of energy and attention and intention in the reading you gave me. I sense now I was meant to meet you, but I am still learning to connect with my more psychic feminine side.
    I’ve felt subtle things changing in me in the last few weeks since your healing. So thank you! I am sure you get lots of these kinds of messages from people you support and I just wanted you to know that you really made a difference in my life. I am sure this can’t be coincidence. I am sure I must have made an arrangement to meet you in the 3D world from the spirit world.
    For me after a healing with a real professional that knows their craft - I always find for me there are a few days of up then there is confusion and a few days down and then there is clarity - as my body and mind adjust to the increased chakra energy and my closer connection to my soul and who I really am.
    Things are looking up for this planet. What drew me to Roshandra was her work on clearing ley lines specifically 188 ley line – check out her video on youtube -

  4. GIVING and RECEIVING in flow and healing is Balanced and Healthy
