MOON PUJA bi-montly Private classes on Facebook Group Meditation
also PUJA for CLIENT karma and manifesting VEDIC design
Moon Puja candles and Arch ANGEL Gabriel
Mt.Shasta SPRING 2014 GROUP RETREAT and Gathering
Puja given in Virgin Mary grotta area in town in the quiet Meadow
This is a LOVE PUJA and with Roses and FRUITS and Honey and Incense.
Candle PUJA to VENUS, MOON, JUPITER, Goddess Oshun and to VISHNU
For Blessings and Clarity and GOOD FORTUNE, Good Luck
Puja on SHASTA Mountain for Medicine WHEEL and BLESSINGS for those participating in the
Retreat Gathering.
2014 Spring Equinox
PUJA for CHINESE NEW Year in a secret Sacred FOREST in Saratoga,California
February Year of the SNAKE
This is a DRAGON Water element energy.
NOTE the main rock where the offering is given.
This powerfully work in FENG SHUI and for the NEW Year element and astrology
The Art of Centering
All pujas have a COLOR, frangrance to them, natural foods and herbs. Wine is also given at times and charity of food to those in need. PUJA is BHAKTI YOGA. It infuses the aura energy and uplifts the Spirit so that DEITY is experienced as are Planetary and Moon influences ENHANCED.
Floating candles of FIRE and WATER mixes elements and this produces a type of ALCHEMY
VENUS has a dual nature to her of LOVE and also of loss and learning to LET GO and allow for something Greater of this Lesson of LOVE to come in.
The Goddess OSHUN is the sweet river and it is her eneregy of GO with the FLOW that allows our Hearts at times of great struggle or pain to remember to always ALLOW this to be from LOVE only.
Never hang onto what no longer needs to leave your lives.
Never try to bind someone that needs to be FREED.
Never search for LOVE for it is WITHIN you.
On Frequencies of LOVE it will find YOU and MATCH YOU.
You merely go with what is the FLOW of this RIVER called Life in LOVE.
What BELONGS to you will always find and seek you out and come to you.
Honey is Ohsun's way of speaking and it is the HONEY of the Bee from the QUEEN and
her generous nature of sharing her ABUNDANCE and her Nectar.
We share this Love, this HONEY and we FLOURISH in it.
Remember always to be Grateful
Remember her sister Yemaya too
Remember that ISIS is part of this.
Remember VENUS is the Star they all reached for.
Harm no one
Bless it all and LET go
and RECEIVE far greater when it is meant to Be.
and AVALON Dimensional energies resound.
Please email for Client session PUJA
go to Facebook for the on going MOON PUJA private classes from this LINK:::
Bi-Monthly MOON PUJA MEDITATION Group is PRIVATE and tuition is $44 which is paid at sign up for class. You will receive THREE PERSONAL PUJA designs for your moon class too.
Blessings Roshandra * Reiki MASTER
Arch Angel RAPHAEL