Thursday, July 29, 2021

TWIN LOVE and UNIONS from Roshandra

They are COMING in soon as the LOVE CODES have been flowing in and in the past few months many are having DREAMS of these LOVES working their way to DIVINE MEETING with Perfect TIMING.   

Twin Flames remember, are meant to awaken, kindle Kundalini, the HEART, and the LIGHT BODY.  This is all part of ASCENSION with the BODY.   The physical body with the crystalline light body activates this way and the sexual tension and love is a key aspect to this kind of desired union.  

BUT...these are not 'keepers' or the 'end all of unions'... OFTEN then are so confusing along with tension filled levels of who's awake or why won't you grow and stay together?   It's meant to KINDLE. 

HOWEVER...then comes something FAR BETTER than ever wished for, dreamed of or DIVINELY KNOWN.   TWIN Rays, Angelic Twins, Key Soul mate loves... Indeed...wait for this higher evolved type of beautiful matching LOVE.  LET GO, Let the DIVINE unfold and see who shows up in your life on this journey of ASCENSION.   THE PLANET WANTS us with TRUE LOVE partnerships and GOD WILLING, The DIVINE FEMININE and ALL finds one 


Blessings, Roshandra warmly writing on 


 Who would like to KNOW more about TYPES of Spiritual Relationships? More about TWIN Flame issues and other TYPES of Sacred Unions? TWIN LOVE from R.M. Simone' and also in Paperback

Twin Love 'e book'
Twin Love paperback




Saturday, February 27, 2021

Life a year later re Covid


Everyone has been going through a 'life' change with this CV-19 matter.  OUR LIVES All have been put either 'on hold' or looks oddly like we are walking through a medical ER facility.   REALITY has become a 'masked' visual as we 'stay home' and watch our FREEDOMS erode before our very eyes. 

How much of this impacts you?
Healthy IMMUNE SYSTEMS need AIR to breathe, Exercise even with our gyms closed down and eat organic and healthy foods. Lots of pure water flushes the body of toxins and wastes and hydrates the system.   

We are mostly working REMOTELY now as well as schools have a new Hybrid on-line class room way it functions.   

UGH to say the lease.
We don't see faces or smiles now or a warmth of contact with others.  

Many states managed to adapt and create safety for people following the science.  
Wearing a mask has 'side effects' with other problems such as depressing the immune system.  We NEED to 'breathe' as well as expelling carbon dioxide.   Research this too.    

Is this a BIO-Weapon from some dark agenda trying to create something to thin out the populate?  Look into all of this with clearness of information.   Herd immunity is part of the process along with good immune systems.  

It's an interesting time to say the lease.   

Research this and find the balance in it all.