Thursday, December 6, 2012

Clearing processes

Letting Go...

The process of 'letting go' is complex.  All of these denser energies, emotions, and pain is due to the withheld mixtures of those emotions, karma and lessons for growth and the way the ego attaches to a matter and where we can Heal.   All healing is self healing but it takes someone HOLDING the Healing RESONANCE in a Soul session to aid your own System to CLEAR, To Understand, To Trust the FEELINGS that want to come up and LET GO and in that process ONE HEALS.  Letting go is about some of the inner work we each can do on ourselves but the deeper long lasting wounds or lessons are there to be 'aided' with another that holds Healing and Wisdom to guide and aid the process.  This is with knowledge, and intuitive knowing and angelic and awareness to move through the space of safety and light that aids this natural process of Healing and CLEARING...

There are moments we just CRY and let go via seeing a Sunset beauty or a Film that touches or reading a poem or verse from a Book.  "Triggers' for our healing abound and are all around us. Often a pet or animal we see ourselves in and healing of frequency can happen in that moment of soul touching and spirit coming to us through them.  Nature is the same as it holds a frequency and it is very Balancing.  Nature is filled with nature spirits and fairies and the elements of which our human body nature is made of. Water, Air, Fire, Earth...  

Many love to work with 7 Dimensional Spirit beings ...ANGELS.  Since childhood my own life has been touched with Arch Angel Raphael and Nature and the Saints. Later as my own Path moved me the awareness of the Ascended Masters and St.Germain and Native American Elders became very present around me.  Everyone has a Guardian Angel with them and many of us have multiple angels and the Blessings of Arch Angels.  The Buddha, the CHRIST, the Magdalene, Virgin Mary and Kuan Yin and Tibetan masters and Deity.  It all depends upon your personal spiritual nature and what works best within your own framework and mind set.  

All LETTING go is about 'surrender' to oneself and the Divine Light you are from Within your own Self.  There is a Wisdom and Softness of nature there always watching over us and aiding us and waiting and allowing.  A loving unconditional parent or as some say our witness loving self.  However you see this or look at this there is a feeling that something is there that is part of ourselves that we 'touch upon' and feel the nourishment of this love and self healing.  

We register these 'pains' through incarnations and time experiences and dimensional selves.  Most are merely aware of this life and this body and this time.  Letting go in this experience is very powerful and very healing.  It can be that simple as the energy is recorded within our own energy bodies and in the SAMSKARAS  ...  we carry forth from past lifetimes the lessons, unfinished business with another or others, and we NEED TO PURIFY out those Samskaras so our Energy FLOWS within our Meridians and energy Body well.   This also helps to CLEAR the blocks, the remembering of our connection to the Self, and Harmony and often then moves one to BLISS Alignment of Chakras and ENLIGHTENMENT.

Counseling is by TRIGGERING the process of LETTING GO...
the Other Form of LETTING go is through working with PUJA for PURIFICATION...
and by being around those that RESONATE in Harmony and your own Resonance returns to a Harmonious field of frequency... Nature will do this also and LETTING Go happens.

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael
Reiki Master...Shasta Ascension Retreats and Gatherings in California
on line ...long distance Healing and Clearing ...Counseling sessions. Namaste 

The Samskāra are a series of Sacraments, Sacrifices and Rituals that serve as rites of passage and mark the various stages of the Human life and to signify entry to a particular Ashrama. All Human beings, especially the Dvija or twice-born are required to perform a number of sacrifices with oblations for gods, Ancestors and Guardians in accordance with the Vedic dictums for a Dharmic or righteous life.

Sanskar is a commonly used variant of the Sanskrit word 'Samskara' and signifies cultural heritage and upbringing in modern Hindi. Apart from the practices, the word "Samskāra" is used in communication denoting the upbringing criteria of a Hindu. For example- It is said that a boy with good Samskāra does right and it is supposed that he will not fall in sin, i.e. Lust, Anger and Wine. It may be concluded that Samskāra is a word to denote the qualitative quality among Hindus.

Most Vedic rituals consist of Homa - fire sacrifies of elaborate and intrinsic designs and complex methodology, accompanied by recitation of Vedas  fire offerings of various ingredients, gifts to be given in charity, presence of elders for blessings, amidst sanctified sacrificial grounds, sacred herbs and good omens. Each important milestone of a Human life is to be celebrated by undertaking a particular Samskara wherein the significance of that milestone is ritualistically conveyed.   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Purification processes

A Time of Purification and Cleansing ~ The Divine FEMININE and the Masculine are clearing and rebalancing rapidly through the processes of Healing and Balancing within Oneself and The Planet of Gaia as we are becoming more of our Divine Natures.

                  Processes take time. Clearing DNA and Karma is part of this Ride here now and the methods and tools we work with vary according to what suits us and works to aid us.

                                Many Blessings of Healing and Divine Harmony in this Pathway and Inner Work of Self Healing and Personal Growth...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael

I feel exhausted on all levels, what is happening?
by Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve on Monday, April 23, 2012 at 3:26am ·
Great pools of energy are now reaching Earth, due to an astrological alignment that is only seen every 26,000 years.
The alignment of all the planets in our Universe is creating an energetic grid around Earth
As living, breathing, matter.... we are all affected on many levels by these energetic changes......
Our cells, our fluids, our organic physical matter is being re-aligned, with the pull of the Universe

This creates within us
  • a purging
  • a purification
  • we feel exhausted and drained .... emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually
One foot in front of the other becomes intolerable
Breathing in and out becomes even a noticeable effort
All these signs are passing symptoms of your body renewing, purifying and re-aligning........
As each purge occurs we can sometimes feel overwhelmed as things suddenly come up forrelease.....
  • Unexpected aches and pains
  • Episodes of Depression
  • Crying
  • Sleepless nights
  • Drowsy days
  • Anger
  • Anxiety .......
Do not battle with these symptoms..... if there is no underlying medical cause then these are all signs of your body re-aligning......
Ask the Universe to help you release, in a gentle wave ... all the things in your life, that no longer serve you
Ask the Universe to help you feel nurtured during these times of change
Ask the Universe to show you healthy levels of foods and drink that you consume.....
Release anything that no longer seems to resonate, with your new and changing body
  • Get plenty of rest. Sleep when your body requires it
  • Walk out in nature often
  • Drink pure filtered water
  • Spend time writing to your Angels. ......
Start to feel your life change for the better
One day, you will wake ......
Everything will seem brighter
You will have more focus and clarity
In your heart is this profound feeling of Peace
You can just 'BE'
It is at this moment, that you look back at your life and you see how far you have come
  • You no longer strive, push or control your destiny
  • You now just go with the flow .... your body, your thoughts, your emotions are more fluid
  • You accept the moment, you do not label, you are at PeaceFreeSafe and Secure
This new life is called The Golden Age, and you have been experiencing the process of Ascension
The energetic grids have infiltrated your being
You are now a beacon of light for others ....
Be a way-shower, be an example of Peace
What greater gift can you give another than the gift of Peace .....
Your Universal Team will walk with you every step of the way
Guiding, Loving, Teaching and Nurturing you .....
You are a child of God
Embrace your Divinity

You are one step from reaching Heaven .... I feel exhausted on all Levels II
by Beacons of Light! Go Forth and Serve on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 6:29am ·
You are one step from reaching Heaven ......... I feel exhausted on all levels II
The energies of time are now changing
Each cell, fluid, organism .... will begin to release anything that does not resonate with the new levels of purity, in and around us
Some days will be more gruelling than other days
The lighter purer energies will go deeper and deeper ... they will be ...
  • releasing more stuckness
  • releasing old patterns of behaviour, thought patterns
All negative procesesses on all levels are coming up to be released .... TO BE HEALED!
Allow the process to unfold, GO WITH THE FLOW!
Say 'Angels please help me to absorb the new energies easily and effortlessly in each and every moment'
In time these intense feelings will subside
Instead of feeling as if you are drudging through thick mud ....
you will feel that you are now at the summit of a cool crisp mountain ..... smelling the fresh air, flora and fauna .....
The energies in your body will have re-aligned, re-adjusted, re-newed
You will have expanded your vision, your perspective
From your mountain summit .... all now seems clear, focused, positive....
You are one step from reaching Heaven .....
Heaven is not a place
Heaven is a state of mind

All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them. ~ Walt Disney
Richest Blessings Always and in All Ways,
  ((  ((

Angelic Healing, Guardian Angel * Attunements

Monday, February 27, 2012

Clearing and Healing sessions ~ with Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael ~ Reiki Master

Transpersonal Counseling Sessions ~ Clearings, Healing and Aligning. Blessings Roshandra * Reiki Master * Arch Angel Raphael 


 All healing begins with ' you'...every person carries the frequencies that will allow yourself to self heal and clear and release energies that are manifesting as Blocks, Patterns, and Feelings that no longer are serving you or your life...

              Holding ' an energy space' my work aids you to go into the Safe environment to Heal and Clear your blocks or peel the onion off the layers of around the problem. A combination of ENERGY and Psychology opens up the Trigger points of what created the block and releases it safely. You will have 'flashes' of past lives, or when this block or pattern became part of your way of thinking and feeling. It is then that the actual Healing takes place and a lightness occurs. Tears, euphoric feelings, or aha moments. Once a session is in progress you will feel this experience and be engaged in a deeply intense but gentle method of dissolving the structures that held these frequencies blocked. Once this resonance is hit upon you will naturally let things go and if you are ready to experience Resolution and great Relief. My work with you merely HOLDS this Space and i GUIDE the process with the Energy doing the work. You will FEEL your inner SOURCE of Light open up and a connection to this Source and FLOW then.  There is a feeling of Unconditional LOVE and of Great Comfort. 

With the sessions there is often ' homework'..this will aid you to Anchor and make sure the patterns we released in your session stays clear. The homework also is empowering you to have a tool to work with a technique that you can apply later for similar moments of helping yourself to clear more on other matters. 

We are all capable at any given moment to come into Balance and Natural Alignment and FLOW with our OWN Higher Selves and our Hearts and our Pathways. Our bodies express the blocks in our energy so we can discover something and we can Heal and Grow. Our emotional feelings must clear and flow so we feel the natural state of Love and Joy and Happiness. When we are in need of Clearing or Processing some things out we get blocked. We also carry over past life lessons that we can clear and change the patter lessons this represents. We can also bring about better health and well being in our body and emotions with clearings and getting to the Core Issues. 

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I have been aiding my people and clients all over the world doing clearing and counseling sessions that will bring about a very powerful loving experience and change in your energy patterns. 

The Sessions are One Hour long and done LONG DISTANCE and on line. 
Real Time via my gmail Angelic Healing cyber Space. I am a Reiki Master. My gifts for long distance healing and larger animals such as horses ..has allowed me to work powerfully long distance and allows you to be in the privacy of your own space doing this work. My people ALL say the SAME THING....they FEEL if i am standing in the room with them and aiding their process and clearing is very much FELT DIRECTLY.  This how long distance healing does work.

Please visit my comment testimony section on Face Book
Transpersonal counseling and healing sessions with Roshandra
and email me for Booking a Session...Namaste...

Blessings Roshandra ~ Reiki Master 
Arch Angel Raphael  ~ i am an Angelic Human and a Magnetic Healer as well..
.Long Distant Healer....Blessings