Friday, September 26, 2014

RECENT CLIENT Clearing - Chris Osborn from Australia

Here is a 'testimony' from client Chris Osborn in Australia after doing a session for CLEARING.
All the work is done 'LONG DISTANCE' on line remotely to the client.  As a REIKI MASTER working long distance is powerfully experienced and felt.   Angelic energies also are part of how this work is accomplished and transpersonal counseling as part of the many layers to this kind of Healing and CLEARING session work.
 Blessings Roshandra * Arch ANGEL Raphael  * REIKI MASTER

  • August 20 at 12:24pm · Edited · Like · 3 ·   
  • POSTED on FACEBOOK in Sophia GAIA group with  Roshandra )
  • Chris Osborn I would love to share the amazing healing session I had with you a few weeks ago. Although I've been to 3 psychics for healing and past life regression in the last 5 years, this was the first time I've ever had a long distance healing session! The only thing that has even come close to the healing I felt withRoshandra Simone was with a Shaman in the sacred valley in Peru 2012!

  • Word of warning – Roshandra writes incredibly quickly with a lot of detailed information with the minimum words to explain exactly what she’s feeling - – so I found it good to come back to it and re-read her words again in my own time and understand more of what she was trying to tell me. The fact that I could go back over my healing session was amazing – because each time I reread it, I got something more out of it – much better I found for me than trying to remember what the healer said in a face to face healing!

  • I also understand the words aren't the most important part of a healing – but if a healer can help energise your chakras - this by far is the best medicine for physical, mind and spiritual healing to happen I believe!

  • Well with Roshandra – I got both! About 15 mins into the session I could feel my solar plexus and belly button area buzzing (like I got with the shaman healing) and then she wrote I am just sending you some energy to you lower chakras- I had a massive smile on my face like a Cheshire cat as I knew that I was going to be on cloud 9 for a few hours after the session! And I was!

  • Roshandra speaks from her heart and is honest (blunt) and I loved it. She tells you what she feels which isn't necessarily what you want to hear – depends how far you are along with your internal work I suppose!

  • Thank you Roshandra! You have really helped me connect much more to my spiritual side through your focus of energy and attention and intention in the reading you gave me. I sense now I was meant to meet you, but I am still learning to connect with my more psychic feminine side. 

  • I’ve felt subtle things changing in me in the last few weeks since your healing. So thank you! I am sure you get lots of these kinds of messages from people you support and I just wanted you to know that you really made a difference in my life. I am sure this can’t be coincidence. I am sure I must have made an arrangement to meet you in the 3D world from the spirit world.

  • For me after a healing with a real professional that knows their craft - I always find for me there are a few days of up then there is confusion and a few days down and then there is clarity - as my body and mind adjust to the increased chakra energy and my closer connection to my soul and who I really am. 

  • Things are looking up for this planet. What drew me to Roshandra was her work on clearing ley lines specifically 188 ley line – check out her video on youtube -

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sacred Sexuality

The DIVINE FEMININE the Pisces Vesica 
the FEMININE YONI symbol...the cave to the DIVINE FEMININE via the body TEMPLE of a woman. This is a bridging into the Sacred FEMALE polarity and the Goddess...
This is why Sexual Intimacy also must be held as Sacred and not shared with just anyone. 

HOLD this Sacred
on human sexuality and spiritual sexual beings we are at a CROSSROADS with this Saturn in SCORPIO time. I would also like to say now way am i a PRUDE" on sexuality or same sex relationships etc. BUT here is what i do say. EVERY PERSON YOU SLEEP with or have a sexual exchange with you create CORDS and KARMA with and future connections to clear up. I really feel that most do not understand that sexual intimacy creates impact on the soul / psyche and energy of your body and mind and emotions and heart and body temple. So that if you SLEEP AROUND or are of a nature that is free flowing with partners you are creating lessons and karma that involved ENERGY. This kind of exchange is not WISE to create. If you are interested in creating a HEALTHY connection to a relationship and monogamy with a key other then this has to STOP for you set up only the RIGHT FREQUENCY if you are honoring this principle and energy and heart. Meantime..every person you SLEEP with you are creating karma that you will need to release and clear at some time. HERE IS THE LOOP that most are not AWAKE or Aware about...sad and very much keeping it a lower vibration and loop... also the lower energies of sexual exchange, bondage, porn, slave sex, orgies etc all feeds the lower spirit entities that feed off this LUST, Sex addiction and ABUSE and FEAR and VOYEURISM and energy...

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael

Vesica Pisces

The Vesica Pisces is easily one of the most profound geometrical images of ancient and modern times. (5/31/05) It is, for example, considered to be an integral part of the Ark of the Covenant, as described and shown figuratively by ka-gold's version of the Vesica Pisces. The latter article, in fact, ties in rather nicely with the so-called Hourglass Nebula described at the end of this Halexandrian webpage.

Essentially the intersection of two, overlapping spheres, the Vesica Pisces (including the interior portion of it, and/or the more common two dimensional version) represents, among other things:

1) The joining of God and Goddess to create an offspring,

2) A symbol for Jesus Christ,

3) In art a pointed oval used as an aureole in medieval sculpture and painting,

4) The vagina of the female goddess,

5) The basic motif in the Flower of Life,

6) An overlay of the Tree of Life,

7) The formative power of polygons,

8) A geometrical description of square roots and harmonic proportions, and/or

7) A source of immense power and energy,

Monday, June 30, 2014

Transitional changes...

Mercury goes direct tomorrow July 1, 2014  and within this three month period we are in now the changes are very Intense and challenging.  As this occurs we are moving or not through the TRANSITIONS now and preparing for personal MOVES and into the NEW Phase.  Stay TUNED.  The key is to work through facing whatever is coming up now to complete and ground and integrate the past, present and begin steps for the future now.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


WHY are so many in this FLUX on romance, relationships and twin love or soul mates?
THE NEW PARADIGM is already here now but the actual manifesting of this into our normal daily lives is in progress of the changes to this new way of divine love.    The past, old karma and lessons are completing along with the letting go so this RIGHT Love many Manifest for you BOTH now.   The NEW Paradigm of VENUS and Divine Love must have a soul connection and heart and be of a HIGHER New Ideal level.
There is no strife in these relationships.  
Harmony, love, good communication and sacred sexuality 
are all part of this more mature spiritual love relationships now.   

For Twin Love 'e book' or paperback links on the SUBJECT of TWIN LOVES

Friday, May 2, 2014

Angelic Clearing and Protection

Recently many of my clients and people have been all going through challenges of the psychic nature.   "Psychic attacks", their 'Gifted' children being 'bullied or energy attached' and digestion issues with foods and the body stressed.

there is a small book pamphlet being published on this

Psychic Protection
Basic Light Tools
How to Clear your Aura
Detox Baths
Gifted child - how to aid them and energy Shields
Guardian Angel significance
The Four Arch Angels
Nutrition for the body
Detoxing naturally and energy wise and herbs
Daily Bubble Wrap
Personal Angels
Coming BOOKS on TYPES OF ANGELS and their PURPOSE with you.

ANGELIC 7th Dimensional energies and ANGELIC 11 th Dimensional energies

also Our Changes of 3 D merging into and ANCHORING down the 5 D now

Ascension and with our Bodies

Roshandra REIKI Master
for Counseling or CLEARING sessions

Monday, April 21, 2014

Paris FRANCE and the VENUS LOVE Grid

Paris France and the ROSE LEY LINE Alchemy Gathering and Workshop.  THE VENUS LOVE Grid.
With the Grand Cardinal CROSS Activation in the Heavens and this series of Blood moons and Sirius the energy coming down and in is HOT on some locations more then others.  In PARIS at the LOUVRE and a few other key places this is so directly "ON" with Portals and Doorways in this LEY LINE opening for downloads of new CODE Frequencies to embody.  

THE LOUVRE is a MAGIC Square and Art the doorways along with this ALCHEMY of change at the moment being TURNED on...

Please do email 'me', Roshandra as i am traveling now and teaching in this GRID.  If you are interested in small groups, or personal one on ones i can arrange that.  I am currently traveling between FRANCE and ENGLAND and will be teaching an ASCENSION  retreat September 22nd, 2014 at Mt.SHASTA California ....

Ascension with the body and the lower three key chakras for grounding and anchoring your physical bodies and your anchoring your light crystalline bodies.      IN PARIS in FRANCE now you are in a PRIME Location for this NEW ENERGY and VENUS and then Sirius and CYGNUS energies regarding TRUE TWIN LOVE much is activated and downloading and Portal doorways to walk through and activate and assimilate.    My groups with me are all those on Higher PATHS OF  this new 5 D energy and SERVICE.  Also Paths of UNIFIED field of LOVE.  And Paths of TRUE LOVE Matches.
Units of DIVINE souls that have come in to finally meet and do their respect mission works.  Blessings Roshandra * Arch ANGEL Raphael....Paris FRANCE...Rose Ley line Gathering

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Nutrition, Higher Vibrational Foods, Organic

Everyone mostly now understands the importance of Healthy FOODS, Water and no GMOS.
        We need to eat healthy, eat right, and use FOOD as Medicine and Health for our vibration frequencies.  All of this is key and important now.

Hemp protein
Green Vibrance (green vegetables powder) 
JUICING from fruits and vegetables NON GMO
Magnesium for Heart and Electrolytes
PRO Biotics
Almond Milk
Healthy oils, Olive oil, Sesame oil, Avocado oil. to name a few \
Fish oil gel capsules and OMEGA 3 oil capsules

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar daily
A full fresh lemon in fresh water with or without honey daily for liver flush

no White sugar
no White flour
no Meat products or Fish
no corn flakes boxed cereals

Go ORGANIC and LOCAL Farmers you Trust
 and GROW your own Foods

ASCENSION ...Awakening..with the Body Temple

This amazing and INTENSE GRAND CARDINAL Cross and the FOUR Blood Moons with Eclipses is Initiating a NEW Epic CYCLE and a Golden AGE.  We are going through this collectively and personally.  The energy of this is a HUGE HIGH Wave of LIGHT that will purge inner issues, healing, core wounds, past lifetime collective issues and ASCENSION.   Ascension with the body is KEY.  Detoxing, eating nutritionally light foods, exercise, moving to locations where 'energy' is a higher healthier frequency, living in homes or where we live in a Sacred way also balanced with Nature.
ALL of this is CHANGING...Ascension with your Body Temple and GAIA SOPHIA

Ascension  PARIS France ROSE LEY LINE Gathering workshops -

Mt.Shasta SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2014  Ascension THREE day Retreat Gathering
Panther MEADOW where St.Germain took his Ascension at SHASTA


With the on going GRAND CARDINAL CROSS Alignment there is a tremendous amount of energy WAVE causing shifts in our own body energy and cleansing out inner patterns of the past.  Awakening.

Tools to work with...

Daily baths in half a cup baking soda and half a cup of HIMALAYAN PINK SALT in a tub to DETOX. This is one of the BEST ways to clear your energy, help you on detoxing and decording energies absorbed from others in process.

Other option is Sea Salt and Baking soda OR Epsom salts.

You may add fresh LAVENDER oil or SPRIGS of it into the bath or on your skin, the oil after.

During this time eat lighter.  Detox is easy by having JUICES, fresh greens and ginger and various combinations.  Apples also for clearing the colon with fresh water for a day.  Also Bragg's APPLE Cider vinegar with water for a tonic detox drink.   You can also do a fresh full lemon and honey in fresh water daily to help the liver and detoxing.

GREENS in the diet and walking outside in nature to exercise.

White candle at night or a pink one for TLC and meditate.

These are some basic tools that will center, calm and ground you back to quiet.

Have a foot rub.
Have a massage when you can.
Do yoga.
Classical music listen to

I also offer a Bi-MONTHLY on going FULL Moon and NEW Moon  THREE day ON LINE Facebook classes on PUJA and MOON energies with meditation.  This strengthens your own energy AURA and also helps one to ALIGN with SPIRIT and clears your frequency to rebalance itself.   Please email me on gmail or contact me here or via FACEBOOK....BHAKTI YOGA and MOON PUJA time.

Four Blood Moons and Eclipses April 15, 2014 in Libra FULL Moon

There is a GRAND CARDINAL CROSS occurring with the FOUR BLOOD Moons. SIGNS.

These SIGNS are about AWAKENING.  Higher frequency WAVES are coming in from the Heavens and Cosmic Universe so that the Cross activates releases, purging, purification and ALIGNMENT with these new higher energies meant on this cycle to OPEN folks up.  Healing, clearing, moving into our Higher Light of the 5 D we are being asked to ground this in our body and to this 3 D our physical lives are in.

Many light workers, other healers and teachers are all experiencing this INTENSE time and energy shifts along with CORE patterns to be released so that the 'ego and old wounds' are healed or old cycles are released.  This is again that 26,000 ago cycle and part of what is termed ASCENSION.

Clearing up the old fears, old memories of destruction and finding this is a time to LIBERATE from all of that and cycles that have kept this LIGHT from being our Way of LIVING.

It is ALL MOVING things and Awakening to a WHOLE new energy and GOLDEN TIME.
We are in those early KEY Steps of this Purification and with FULL MOON Eclipsed we are asked to come in touch with the DIVINE FEMININE and BALANCE ourselves.

More to come ...2 key moons on Jewish festival Holy Days and Eclipses and 2 key moons next year also with Eclipses.  AWAKENING the masses.
Blessings Roshandra  * Arch Angel RAPHAEL
 Reiki Master