Monday, July 20, 2015

Recent Client in Silicon Valley. Holistic Practitioner Johanna Rosen

Hi Roshandra,

I´m just finishing up at home today before leaving for Sweden in the afternoon:-) Hope you had a great weekend!

I just wrote a testimony for you:  July 20, 2015
"I´m a Holistic Practitioner spending lots of time working at Bayclub Cupertino, where I also met Roshandra the first time. Even living and working with a holistic approach I really needed a "touch up" and without knowing what a gifted woman I had been spending hours working in the same room with for quite some time, Roshandra one day asked me if I wanted her to help me with some Energy Healing. I wasn´t late to say Yes! She has helped me with my hip pain and to put my sacrum back in alignment. Her knowledge is magnificent! She has also helped my daughter with her feet, doing Reiki Healing and given us advice how to heal her so that she can go back to gymnastics, because that´s what she loves to do! I can´t be more thankful for the help we have got so far! Thank you Roshandra!"

Johanna Rosén, Holistic Practitioner

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Cancer New Moon July 15, 2015 by Roshandra ~ Blood Moon series and this New Moon

Moon in Cancer, her home sign she is in.  Emotions, Soul, Mother, WATER and Ocean of Feelings.
WHY is this CANCER NEW MOON so significant?
Blood Moon series completes in September 2015

The Moon is in her natural SIGN when in CANCER.  Our homes, the shells we carry to protect our sensitive selves from the world and emotional trauma and drama from.  It is all connected to the inner experience of our SOUL and the Watery realms of the amniotic and dream-like states of our being spirit in a human body.   OUR Souls with this Cancer Moon is FEELING everything and we are navigating new inner space and cosmic worlds from this soul contact with the heaves and waters of our lives now.   CANCER MOON needs nourishing, it needs dream time and home to be quiet, calm, and introspective so we may HEAL and also Flourish in our seeding of this NEW Energy into our Lives now.  THE PAST must be cleansed, cleared and we are ready now to begin this new WORLD we all dream of in this Awakening period of the Sophia Gaia Earth changes.   DREAMS create the magic of this NEW Reality.   

The Blood Moon series moves into the fourth Moon in September and this July Cancer new moon is our final clearing for the past and preparation for the new.  No stone will be left unturned and we must let go of what no longer serves us and we must move with what nourishes our souls and lives now.    We must be both SOFT and yet HARD in a SEA SHELL that is made from the grit of what we have come through and yet in the EBB and FLOW of what is transpiring.  NEW BEGINNINGS are coming.

Message from Roshandra, Arch ANGEL GABRIEL rules the moon and feminine water flows.
For CLEARING Sessions or Guidance of Soul Path, please go to the WEB Site  or to the Page here on the BLOG for scheduling sessions.  Namaste ....

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Recent Client Sarah Rachel Adams from UK

Recently a truly lovely LIGHT-WORKER  Sarah Rachel Adams from England
   A LOVELY soul and person doing her Light Work 
and VISIONARY. and soul had a CLEARING Session with me long distance to the UK where she is.    Sarah Adams Rachel.     Her session was about clearing energies and answering some questions and also aiding her process and grounding.

Often I find clearing work shows up with some souls doing major work helping the Planet and are often part of the changes we all are FEELING and need what is called a "SORTING" out and "CLEARING energies" from those that they are HELPING.  The CLEARING work that i do LONG-DISTANCE is gentle, but very powerful.  IT MOVES energy, energy cords, karma, and past karma off the person easily that I am aiding in a session.  Raising their energy and gaining CLARITY they feel a lot lighter, more safely grounded after and often in a session QUESTIONS are answered on some old standing wounds or patterns or recent shifts they are in.

WE all go through this on going PURIFICATION and CLEARING as we are Awakening many aspects of our Soul and DIMENSIONAL selves and our LIGHT BODIES.

Sarah is a Natural SENSITIVE Soul, beautiful Heart centered being and very much gifted and helping others to heal or share insights in her Visionary talks she does.   She is a TAURUS WITH DOUBLE CANCER IN HER CHART. Sarah shares healing and planetary information with others through her videos on u tube and her 'talks' through THE BASES channel in England and on her own channel.

Sarah Rachel Adams You do great reiki..anyone who needs reiki I recommend Roshandra Simone
Yesterday at 11:58am ·July 14, 2015 from Sarah...

Blessings Roshandra * Arch ANGEL Raphael 
 Reiki Master  and Long Distance Clearing and Energy work
 Also Ley Lines, Grids and FENG SHUI..